Relationship Cardinalities and Descriptions
Data and Context: Taxonomy
Species_Name --- to --- Higher_Taxon
- Each Species_Name is in one and only one Higher_Taxon
- Each Higher_Taxon contains zero to many Species_Names
Higher_Taxon --- to --- Higher_Taxon (Recursive Relations)
- Each Higher_Taxon is senior to zero to many Higher_Taxa
- Each Higher_Taxon is junior to zero to one Higher_Taxa
- Each Higher_Taxon contains to zero to many Higher_Taxa of lower rank
- Each Higher_Taxon is in to zero to one Higher_Taxa of higher rank
Higher_Taxon --- to --- Literature_Reference
- Each Higher_Taxon was first described in one and only one Literature_Reference
- Each Literature_Reference contains zero to many new Higher_Taxa
Higher_Taxon --- to --- Type_Taxon
- Each Higher_Taxon has zero to one Type_Taxa
- Each Type_Taxon is the type for one and only one Higher_Taxon
Species_Name --- to --- Usage_of_Species_Name
- Each Species_Name is senior to one to many Usages_of_Species_Name
- Each Usage_of_Species_Name refers to one and only one senior Species_Name
- Each Species_Name is junior to one to many Usages_of_Species_Name
- Each Usage_of_Species_Name refers to zero to one junior Species_Name
Usage_of_Species_Name --- to --- Literature_Reference
- Each Usage_of_Species_Name is from one and only one Literature_Reference
- Each Literature_Reference contains zero to many Usages_of_Species_Name
Data and Context: Morphology
Species_Name --- to --- Morph-Sp associative entity
- Each Species name has zero to many Morph-Sp associations
- Each Morph_Sp association refers to one and only one Species_Name
Morph_Sp associative entity --- to --- Morphology
- Each Morph-Sp association refers to one and only one Morphology
- Each Morphology is found in zero to many Morph-Sp associations
Morphology --- to --- Definition
- Each Morphology has one to many Definitions
- Each Definition is for one and only one Morphology
Definition --- to --- Def-Illust associative entity
- Each Definition has zero to many Def-Illust associations
- Each Def-Illust association refers to one and only one Definition
Definition --- to --- Authority
- Each Definition has one and only one Authority
- Each Authority may support zero to many Definitions
Def-Illust associative entity --- to --- Illustration
- Each Def-Illust association refers to one and only one Illustration
- Each Illustration is found in one to many Def-Illust associations
Data and Context: Occurances
Species_Name --- to --- Sp-Occ-A associative entity
- Each Species_Name participates in zero to many Sp-Occ-A assocations
- Each Sp-Occ-A association refers to one and only one Species_Name
Geographic_Place --- to --- Township
- Each Township is a subtype of Geographic_Place
Geographic_Place --- to --- Geographic_Coordinate
- Each Geographic_Coordinate is a subtype of Geographic_Place
Geographic_Place --- to --- Geographic_Entity
- Each Geographic_Entity is a subtype of Geographic_Place
Geographic_Entity --- to --- Geographic_Entity (Recursive Relations)
- Each Geographic_Entity is within zero to one larger Geographic_Entities
- Each Geographic_Entity contains zero to one immedately smaller Geographic_Entities
- Each Geographic_Entity was formerly the name of called zero to one Geographic_Entities
- Each Geographic_Entity was the former name of zero to one Geographic_Entities
Geographic_Coordinate --- to --- Geographic Coordinate (Recursive Relation)
- Each Geographic_Coordinate is prior in a list to zero to one Geographic_Coordinates
- Each Geographic_Coordinate is next in a list to zero to one Geographic_Coordinates
Geographic_Coordinate --- to --- Latitude_and_Longitude
- Each Latitude_and_Longitude is a subtype of Geographic_Coordinate
Geographic_Coordinate --- to --- UTM_Coordinate
- Each UTM_Coordinate is a subtype of Geographic_Coordinate
Geographic_Place --- to --- Record_of_Occurance
- Each Geographic_Place has zero to many Records_of_Occurance
- Each Record_of_Occurance comes from one and only one Geographic_Place
Stratigraphic_Entity --- to --- Occ-St-A associative entity
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity is associated with zero to many Occ-St-A associations
- Each Occ-St-A association contains one and only one Stratigraphic_Entity
Stratigraphic_Entity --- to --- Stratigraphic_Entity (Recursive Relation)
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity is within one and only one imedately larger Stratigraphic_Entity
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity contains zero to many imedeately smaller Stratigraphic_Entities
Stratigraphic_Entity --- to --- Geographic_Place
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity has a type section at zero to one Geographic_Place
- Each Geographic_Place locates zero to many type sections of Stratigraphic_Entity
Stratigraphic_Entity --- to --- Literature_Reference
- A Literature_Reference contains zero to many sections of Stratigraphic_Entities
- A Stratigraphic_Entity has zero to one sections in Literature_Reference
Geologic_Time_Unit --- to --- Stratigraphic_Entity
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity has one and only one youngest Geologic_Time_Unit
- Each Geologic_Tim_Unit is the youngest unit for zero to many Stratigraphic_Enities
- Each Stratigraphic_Entity has one and only one oldest Geologic_Time_Unit
- Each Geologic_Time_Unit is the oldest unit for zero to many Stratigraphic_Enities
Geologic_Time_Unit --- to --- Time_Unit_Boundary
- Each Geologic_Time_Unit has one and only one upper bounding Time_Unit_Boundary
- Each Time_Unit_Boundary is the upper bound for zero to many Geologic_Time_Units
- Each Geologic_Time_Unit has one and only one lower bounding Time_Unit_Boundary
- Each Time_Unit_Boundary is the lower bound for zero to many Geologic_Time_Units
Record_of_Occurance --- to --- Occ-St-A associative entity
- Each Record_of_Occurance is frrom one and only one Occ-St-A association
- Each Occ-St-A association contains one and only one Record_of_Occurance
Record_of_Occurance --- to --- Sp-Occ-A associative entity
- Each Record_of_Occurance is found in one to many Sp-Occ-A association
- Each Sp-Occ-A association is found in one and only one Record_of_Occurance
Sp-Occ-A association --- to --- Authority
- Each Sp-Occ-A association has one and only one Authority
- Each Authority supports zero to many Sp-Occ-A associations
Occ-St-A association --- to --- Authority
- Each Occ-St-A association has one and only one Authority
- Each Authority supports zero to many Occ-St-A associations
Source: Literature
Authority --- to --- Person
- Each Person can be zero to one Authority
- Each Authority can be zero to one Persons
Authority --- to --- Literature_Reference
- Each Literature_Reference can be zero to one Authority
- Each Authority can be zero to one Literature_Reference
Literature_Reference --- to --- Article
- Each Article is a subtype of Literature_Reference
Literature_Reference --- to --- Book
- Each Book is a subtype of Literature_Reference
Literature_Reference --- to --- Monograph
- Each Monograph is a subtype of Literature_Reference
Literature_Reference --- to --- Other
- Each Other form of reference is a subtype of Literature_Reference
Article --- to --- Journal
- Each Article comes from one and only one Journal
- Each Journal Contains one to many Articles
Book --- to --- Publisher
- Each Book has one and only one Publisher
- Each Publisher publishes many Books
Monograph --- to --- Journal
- Each Monograph is in zero to one Journals
- Each Journal contains zero to many Monographs
Monograph --- to --- Publisher
- Each Monograph has zero to one Publisher
- Each Publisher publishes zero to many Monographs
Other --- to --- Journal
- Each Other form of reference comes from one and only one Journal
- Each Journal Contains one to many Other form of reference
Other --- to --- Publisher
- Each Other form of reference has zero to one Publisher
- Each Publisher publishes zero to many Other form of reference
R-P associative entity --- to --- Literature_Reference
- Each Literature_Reference has zero to many authors in R-P association
- Each R-P association refers to one and only one Literature_Reference
R-P associative entity --- to --- Person
- Each Person is an author in zero to many R-P associations
- Each R-P association refers to one and only one Person
Source: Specimens
Species_Name --- to --- Type_Specimen
- Each Species_Name has one to many Type_Specimens
- Each Type_Specimen has one and only one Species_Name
Type_Specimen --- to --- Museum_Lot
- Each Type_Specimen is in one and only one Museum_Lot
- Each Museum_Lot contains zero to one Type_Specimens
Museum_Lot --- to --- Repository
- Each Museum_Lot is in one and only one Repository
- Each Repository contains zero to many Museum_Lots
- (This allows a list of Repositories to be entered before data is entered from those Repositories)
Museum_Lot --- to --- Authority
- Each Museum_Lot represents zero to many Authorities
- (A lot may include speciemns of more than one species and thus may represent an authority for several different Records_of_Occurance)
- Each Authority is provided by zero to one Museum_Lots
Return to Data Model
All Material on this page and in associated images Copyright © Paul J. Morris, 1996
Paul J. Morris Draft 25 May 1996